Play streets in Newham


Regular play streets

It took a while for Newham to join the play street revolution – but now it’s underway, why not join the movement? It’s free and we promise your street will be transformed for the better!

Apply at least 8 weeks before your first session. 

Play streets can be held between April and the end of October on weekends only, between 11am and 4pm. They can take place fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or as a one-off event.

Letter to all affected properties informing them of the plans and inviting views. At least two named organisers. 

Road closed signs, hi vis vests and whistles.


Contact Email

Try before you buy – run a trial play street

Want to run a trial play street? Perhaps on Car Free Day or another day? You can! Find out if a play street is for you and your neighbours before committing to regular sessions by having a one-off event. More details below. 

Apply six weeks before your event.

Free free free!!

Online form confirming details

Newham council provides signage, barriers and, last we knew, a £250 grant per street for residents! The perfect opportunity to buy some chalks and ropes for future play street events. 

Council webpage 

By the way…

Councils are liable to change dates, process and contact details. We try hard to keep this page updated but if you notice that something is not right, please let us know!

Our short course programme on specific topics, team and organisational training sessions are available at affordable prices. Hackney Play Association is willing and able to offer qualifications at all levels subject to demand.

