Make it happen on your street!
A play street means neighbours agreeing together to open their street for play and community – and close it to through traffic – temporarily but regularly. Most councils in London offer residents the opportunity to apply for free. Click the map to find out how it works in your borough or go here for a brief guide.
Give it a try for Car Free Day, this September
Apply to try out a play street or street party on your road over the weekend of Car Free Day (Friday 20 to Sunday 22 September)
Get free spacehoppers or other play equipment to transform your street – with a carnival twist in those boroughs celebrating the official launch of the London Overground Windrush line.
Time is running out! Click here for more information or contact us TODAY to find out how it works where you are.
A play street is where neighbours agree together to close their road temporarily but regularly to through traffic – so that children can play while adults get to know each other better. You can make it happen on your street. And we can help you!

1800000 Children
The number of children in London is growing

19 square metres
Per person, London has the least amount of green space of any English region

80 % of public space
In London is made up of streets. Too valuable to be given up for the sole use of cars.