Regular play streets
Enfield has a growing number of play streets and a strong resident-led movement for healthier streets generally. It is one of three boroughs in London to receive TfL ‘mini-Holland’ funding to improve cycling.
Two deadlines a year – 30 April for streets commencing August; 31 October for streets commencing the January following.
Up to three hours, once a month
A very thorough door to door consultation is needed. A majority of residents must provide signatures of support and several attempts must be made to contact all affected neighbours.
The council supplies road closed signs, cones and barriers.
Try before you buy – run a trial play street
Want to run a trial play street? Perhaps on Car Free Day or another day? You can! Find out if a play street is for you and your neighbours before committing to regular sessions by having a one-off event. Apply using a street party application process – more details below.
Apply at least six weeks before your event.
Enfield is one of the few councils in London to charge for this – although the whopping £380 fee has previously been waived for Car Free Day (in September) so this is a good opportunity to try it out.
A majority (51!%) of residents must sign in favour – get ready for some door knocking 🙂
Council provides road closed signs and barriers.
By the way…
Councils are liable to change dates, process and contact details. We try hard to keep this page updated but if you notice that something is not right, please let us know!