Regular play streets
There are around a dozen play streets operating in Camden (as of 2020); as well as occasional but large and colourful play street events at Great Ormond Street children’s hospital. The process here is thorough – and lengthy.
Applications are accepted at any time. Allow two months for a decision but be aware that it can sometimes take much longer.
Up to four hours, as often as once a week
Door to door consultation is required as signatures (for or against) must be collected from at least 50% of all households in the affected part of the street. The council also conducts its own consultation.
Try before you buy – run a trial play street
Want to run a trial play street? Perhaps on Car Free Day or another day? You can! Find out if a play street is for you and your neighbours before committing to regular sessions by having a one-off event. More details below.
Apply approximately six weeks in advance of your event.
Usually £100, this has been waived on Car Free Day in the past.
A majority of residents must be in favour.
Check with council
By the way…
Councils are liable to change dates, process and contact details. We try hard to keep this page updated but if you notice that something is not right, please let us know!